Throughout my time on the Internet I've come to rely on many folks. Every member of Apple Wizards must be relied upon to get articles done in time and in a manner suitable for publication.
But there's a problem: the Internet is inherently less "real" than day-to-day life. If I ask a friend to do something, and they don't, I know that I can call them up and inquire about it. What's the Internet equivalent? Email. Unfortunately, it's pretty darn easy to delete an email or ignore it altogether. You can't rely on e-people.
Apple Wizards is a difficult thing to manage, compile, and deal with each month. Each month presents new challenges which must be dealt with as quickly as possible in order to guarantee an issue release on time or nearly on time. That in mind, I've come up with a few rules which I go by. These rules help me to get through each month and beat down Murphy's Law. Perhaps they'll help you as well.
1. Have a Backup Plan (or Five)
Things don't always work out according to plan. If you lack a backup plan — whether it's canceling the job altogether or simply slapping a "fill-in" in its place — you're more toasted than those Intel chips.
2. Make it Personal
If you're relying on Joe Schmoe to do something for you, make it personal if possible. Call ol' Joe up on the phone to confirm receipt of your email or attain status updates. Basically, it's tougher for someone to weasel out of doing something when you've got them on the phone.
3. Don't Go Overboard
It's past the deadline, and you're frantic. You fire off email every five minutes saying "man, where's your work?" That won't cut it — it'll only annoy the person on the other end. Besides, if they've gotta keep reading your rants, they won't get their work done!
4. Remember, It's a Person
It's easy to forget that a person reads the email you so hastily send off. I'm guilty of it. People have feelings, and as such, you must treat them accordingly. Email — text — comes across as far more brutal than a conversational voice would, so it's even more important to choose your words carefully.
Truth be told, I'm let down by people, e- or not, every day. Furthermore, I, too, let people down. But with a little understanding and some good planning, it won't put a dent in your day.
  Erik J. Barzeski
The Future of Mini-Reviews
Last month Apple Wizards featured two mini-reviews, one of the Mac Upgrade and Repair Bible and the other of Kensington's Keyboard in a Box. We wish to continue mini-reviews, and we'd like your help. That's right, your help!
There are a bunch of ways in which you can help us out.
1. Suggest a Mini-Review
That's right, just send off an email to and let us know what product or products you'd like to see us mini-review. We'll see what we can do!
2. Write a Mini-Review
Our opinions aren't the only ones that matter. If you bought a cool doo-dad and you'd like to write a mini-review for us, just email us! We'll let you know whether we can accept your review (i.e. we can't if we've already reviewed that product, etc.) and you'll be set!
3. Comment on Mini-Reviews
Did you agree or disagree? What more can we do with mini-reviews to make them just what you'd like? Let us know!
Apple Wizards feels that mini-reviews complement our normal staple (3-5) of monthly, full-length reviews. We understand that it'd be impossible to dissect a keyboard as thoroughly as we've dissected Unreal and other products which have received full reviews, and we think that mini-reviews fit the bill. Hopefully, we're providing more service to you, our readers, and perhaps you'll even lend us a hand. Until next month (where we'll have two more book mini-reviews), think it over!